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Knows that heat energy moves in predictable ways, flowing from warmer objects to cooler ones until both objects are at the same temperature.

What is Wind Chill?

Why is it that we feel colder when the wind is blowing than when the wind is calm? What does it mean when the local weatherman gives the daily high along with the wind chill? How is the wind chill determined?

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Particle Man and the Photon

When a photon ( a very small increment of energy) encounters a substance one of three things may happen. (1) The photon may be transmitted -- it passes through without alteration. (2) The photon may be absorbed -- the photon never leaves the particle. (3) The photon may be scattered -- it's path may be altered.

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Hypothermia in the Little House

Science in Children's Literature: Among the cornerstones of science are careful observation and accurate description. Like scientists, authors must also be careful observers. Mrs. Wilder's book presents a fine example in her depiction of the symptoms and treatment of hypothermia. Every time I read it I am more impressed with her scientific accuracy. It is worth starting early to develop skills at noticing what happens around you and at describing what you see.

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