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Reviewer Questions

  1. Originality. Are there entries in the PUMAS Collection, or other common sources you might know, that seem to duplicate this contribution?
  2. Accuracy of Content. (Any errors?)
  3. Is the presentation Clear? If not, could you specify what you found confusing. Is the context explained adequately?
  4. To what Grade Level is the material appropriate?
    1. a. Choose one: Easy, Moderate, Advanced -- at this Grade Level.
  5. Any suggestions for changes in the Curriculum Topic Benchmarks?
  6. Any suggestions for changes to the Subject Keywords?
  7. Any comments on the Length or Format of the contribution?
  8. Any copy-editing suggestions? (grammar, spelling, phrasing)
  9. Check here if you are sending an annotated manuscript.
  10. Any Further Comments or suggestions?
  11. Overall Recommendation (pick one): Accept, Return to Author for Revision, Reject