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Knows that the behavior of individual organisms is influenced by internal cues such as hunger and external cues such as environmental change; humans and other organisms have senses that help them detect internal and external cues.

Preventing Hypothermia

Hypothermia occurs when a warm-blooded animal, such as a person, becomes extremely cold, and loses control of his or her body's core temperature. This is much more likely to happen when a person wet than dry. Hypothermia can cause death. Oftentimes it is difficult to know when someone starts to go into hypothermia. It is even difficult to know when you yourself are experiencing the beginning signs.

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Hypothermia in the Little House

Science in Children's Literature: Among the cornerstones of science are careful observation and accurate description. Like scientists, authors must also be careful observers. Mrs. Wilder's book presents a fine example in her depiction of the symptoms and treatment of hypothermia. Every time I read it I am more impressed with her scientific accuracy. It is worth starting early to develop skills at noticing what happens around you and at describing what you see.

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