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Knows that objects change their motion only when a net force is applied; whenever one object exerts force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on the first object.

Why Tailgating on Freeways is Unsafe: A Real-life Example Using Quadratic Equations

We discuss how to compute the stopping distance of a car traveling at a given speed-- a real life application of a math topic, quadratic equations, and science topics, such as motion, kinetic energy, and work done. We also discuss the idea that while mathematics can be utilized to model real life situations, there is much more to consider, if one wants more refined and appropriate solutions to real life problems.

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Why Is There a Tidal Bulge Opposite the Moon?

Demonstrate and calculate the reasons for tidal bulges of water on both hemispheres of Earth, due to the Moon.

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Earth Turns? Prove It!

We are all told that the Earth turns and we accept that. But an actual demonstration of how scientists proved this can have lasting impact on the acceptance of this authoritative statement and also on how students judge other authoritative statements for themselves, scientific or otherwise. Satisfying oneself that Earth does actually rotate shows what can be done to encourage such thinking.

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