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Knows that scientists evaluate the results of scientific investigations and the explanations proposed by other scientists by reviewing experimental procedures, examining evidence, identifying faulty reasoning, pointing out statements that go beyond the evidence and suggesting alternative explanations for the same observations.

It's Raining Cats and Dogs...and Fish and Frogs...and Birds

Using a recent event, this example illustrates some useful attributes of the nature of science and its approach to questions.

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Why Is There a Tidal Bulge Opposite the Moon?

Demonstrate and calculate the reasons for tidal bulges of water on both hemispheres of Earth, due to the Moon.

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Right Place, Wrong Time

It's important to check the results from an experiment. Does the result make sense? Does it follow from other facts that are known? From the standpoint of teaching High School science, checking if one's results are sensible adds an additional layer of safety that the results are correct. (From the standpoint of advancements in Science, a basic research tenet is that results must be repeatable and not just a fluke.

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Earth Turns? Prove It!

We are all told that the Earth turns and we accept that. But an actual demonstration of how scientists proved this can have lasting impact on the acceptance of this authoritative statement and also on how students judge other authoritative statements for themselves, scientific or otherwise. Satisfying oneself that Earth does actually rotate shows what can be done to encourage such thinking.

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