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PUMAS Examples

The PUMAS examples are aimed primarily at helping pre-college teachers enrich their presentation of topics in math and science.
  • You may find a number of examples that relate to your area of interest, perhaps written in different styles, and possibly taking different approaches to the material. There may also be comments/lesson plans filed with some of the examples, written by previous users.
  • Use these examples as a resource -- Select, adapt, recontextualize, and present the material to your students in a way that you judge will best meet your students' needs, abilities, and interests.
  • You may have ideas related to a particular example that might be helpful to subsequent users. There is an opportunity, on the "Display an Example" page associated with that example, for you to submit your comments/lesson plans.
  • PUMAS examples are citable references. If you use material from PUMAS examples in other work, please cite them appropriately, e.g.: Chambers, L.H., "How Now, Pythagoras?", 07_10_98_1, The PUMAS Collection,, 1998.

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Examples by Common Keywords

by Title | by Grade Level | by Date Accepted | by Benchmark | by Author

air pressure

aircraft carrier

analog computer

analytical thinking

arithmetic sequence


back-of-the-envelope calculation



checking answers

checking your work




conversion of units

counter-intuitive result
