PUMAS Examples
- You may find a number of examples that relate to your area of interest, perhaps written in different styles, and possibly taking different approaches to the material. There may also be comments/lesson plans filed with some of the examples, written by previous users.
- Use these examples as a resource -- Select, adapt, recontextualize, and present the material to your students in a way that you judge will best meet your students' needs, abilities, and interests.
- You may have ideas related to a particular example that might be helpful to subsequent users. There is an opportunity, on the "Display an Example" page associated with that example, for you to submit your comments/lesson plans.
- PUMAS examples are citable references. If you use material from PUMAS examples in other work, please cite them appropriately, e.g.: Chambers, L.H., "How Now, Pythagoras?", 07_10_98_1, The PUMAS Collection, http://pumas.nasa.gov, 1998.
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Examples by Author
by Title | by Grade Level | by Date Accepted | by Keyword | by Benchmark
Alan L. Jones
Amy J. Stevermer
Charles R. Moren
Claire L. Parkinson
Claire L. Parkinson
David Stern, David SternJames Foster, James Foster
Donald P. Wylie
Elliott Ostler
Evan M. Manning
Evan M. Manning
Glenn Simonelli
Glenn Simonelli
Gregory B. Pasternack
Jackie Vogel
James Foster
James Foster, James FosterOwe Manfred, Owe Manfred
Jan Bogaert
Joseph B. Reid
Joseph Kerski
Joseph L. Ruby
Juli Ratheal
Juli Ratheal, Juli RathealJames Bellar, James Bellar
Katherine Gateau
Kathleen Wawers
Kim Aaron
Lin Chambers
Lin Chambers
Lizzette A. Rodriguez
Loren White
Lucas Moxey
Martin J. Ruzek
Martin P. Cohen
Murray F. Spiegel
Paul Broome
Paul Narguizian
Peter Kiefer
Philip Gabriel, Philip GabrielS. Kathryn Grimes, S. Kathryn Grimes
Phyllis A. Salmons
Phyllis A. Salmons
Ralph Kahn
Ralph Kahn
Ramakrishnan Menon
Ramakrishnan Menon
Richard Kleidman, Lorraine Remer
Shanti Rao
Stephen J. Edberg
Stephen J. Edberg
Steve Frolking, Steve FrolkingLynn Rosentrater, Lynn Rosentrater
Tanja Van Hecke
Ted Bainbridge, Ph.D.
Ted Bainbridge, Ph.D.
Will Cantrell, Will CantrellCynthia Cooper, Cynthia Cooper